Ophthalmology Transcription Services:
Providing web-based transcription support to
Ophthalmologists and making sure
that their narrations are documented and
delivered in just 12 hours
Call 1-877-272-1572 for Ophthalmology Transcription Service
Ophthalmologists can now benefit from the low cost Ophthalmology Transcription Services offered on the web. The narrations are documented and delivered in just 12 hours. The Ophthalmology clinics can narrate patient encounters using the toll free phone-in-dictation, a unique code is allocated to each physician, which they will need to enter while using the toll free service that can be setup by our customer care.
If clinics have an existing Electronic Medical Record software that is specific to Ophthalmology, our technical team in coordination with the IT division of the healthcare facility establish a Virtual Private Network (VPN) connectivity with the software application, which facilitates the transcribers from our company to log in and document the narrations read by the ophthalmologists into the voice recording system of the application. Isource providing Lanier transcription support to Ophthalmology clinics that use standalone dictation systems such as Crescendo, Lanier Swift and Digital Portables.
Just need to pay us 8.5¢ to 9.5¢ for documenting a line of 65 characters
At a service charge of 8.5¢ to 9.5¢ for documenting a line of 65 characters, Ophthalmologists no longer need to document ophthalmology reports in-house, because it can save the clinics a fortune by outsourcing the service to us. It costs the clinics 35¢ to 38¢ for documenting the same line count in-house, considering that each in-house transcriber is paid $ 14 to $ 15 an hour as wages and added to it is the infrastructure costs and overheads that makes it a costly proposition doing it in-house.
Why wait 36 hours when ophthalmology reports can be documented & delivered in 12 hours
Many clinics come across a situation where the in-house transcription division is unable to maintain a steady document workflow, because it does not have the requisite staff or in some cases, after the switchover from paper records to electronic records the existing staff were unfamiliar with skills required to document reports electronically, as a result the turn-around-time to document the narrations took 36 hours or even more than that. The slow document workflow ultimately reflects on the quality of patient care offered by the clinics. We ensure that that the turn-around-time that we need for processing the reports does not exceed 12 hours, the steady document workflow results in improved quality care provided to the patients.
that we faithfully honor
The many clinics that we have partnered with, for providing transcription support appreciate our compliance of HIPAA regulations. iSource secure systems are password protected and access to patient records is limited to only the staff that process and document the narrations. The data interchange with healthcare facilities is through SSL encryption platform. The Virtual Private Network (VPN) that is established with a healthcare facility’s EMR is as per HL7 standards.
Ophthalmologist can opt for
a no-obligation 7-day free trial before a business associate agreement
Ophthalmology EMR templates used for documentations of reports
- Detailed letter to referring MD
- Return to work/school
- Thank you letter for referral
- Test results letter
- Informed consent form
- Surgery ticket
- Medication refills
- Hospital Admission Orders
- Allergy quote
- Consent for Allergy Immunotherapy
- Patient Diabetes Education
- Postoperative Note (Global)
- Amaurosis Fugax
- Episode of Visual Alteration
- Visual Impairment (Persistent)
- Distorted Central Vision/EMP/ARMD
- Diabetes eye exam
- Episode of Visual Alteration
- Trauma Eye
- Flashes and Floaters
- Peripheral Vision Changes
- Uveitis
- Focal Laser Procedures
- Laser Retinopathy
- IVK Procedures
- PRP Laser Procedure
- PDT Laser Procedure