Electronic Medical Records
Why buy Electronic Medical Record software when you can hire it?
True – why buy electronic medical record software and invest precious resources when you can hire it, Medical Transcriptions Service provides the next generation electronic medical record software to small and medium practices on hire.
How does the EMR hiring concept work?
We are a medical transcription company and clinics in order to access the EMR, need to hire us as service providers for medical transcriptions, the functional EMR can thus be made available to the physicians on hire.
How functional is the Electronic Medical Record software?
It has all functional features required by small or medium size practices, for example the transcription module which is a part of the EMR allows doctors to read the dictations into it, our transcribers access the dictations and document the patient records and the same can be accessed by the doctors in a short span of time. Besides the EMR also has features that allow doctors to E-sign the report and E-fax it to the patient or referring physicians, the patient records can be stored and retrieved as and when needed and for as long as it is required , the EMR does away with the need for paper records.
What is the hardware required to get started?
All that is required is a computer with a Windows or Macintosh operating system with high speed internet, and for reading the dictations a microphone attached to the PC.
Are other options for dictations available?
Yes - we offer physicians various options for dictations, they can choose our toll free Phone-in-Dictation, to access or activate the facility our 24 x 7 customer support provides a five digit code to enable them to use the service, call our toll free number 1-877-272-1572 to speak to a customer care executive. The physicians can also use a digital voice recorder for the dictations; our technicians can set up the facility through a remote access to the physician’s personal computer, which will allow us access to the dictations.
Is the privacy and confidentiality of patients medical record guaranteed?
We have been providing medical transcription service to physicians for over a decade and we strictly comply with all regulations of HIPAA. The electronic medical record software has security safeguards for the safety of patient’s medical records, which are as per the guidelines of HIPAA.