Easing the pressure of medical practices across San Francisco !

San Francisco repeatedly hits the headlines for being one of the most expensive cities in the US. Skyrocketing housing prices, shockingly expensive office rents and yes even its parking spots make news for being sold at $82000! If you are a medical practitioner based in San Francisco receiving bills can be a hair rising experience.
Work with a biller who won't strain your budget further! MedicalTranscriptionsService can save you more than 50% of your operational costs.

Is the data in your EHR inaccurate?

You are not alone. Physician inputted EHR medical data is known for its high error rate. The, way, out?Work with a transcriber who can work effortlessly with your EHR. We can interface seamlessly with any emr, ehr system you use. We work with your emr through a secure HL7 compliant transcribing platform.
MedicalTranscriptionsService also offers 24/7 EMR support, so you know who to call when your system is acting up!

We just made smartphones smarter !

We always keep pace with the times. Most physicians use smartphones to record and store medical dictations. We can receive your dictations and transmit transcripts through a secure Android based application. As always we ensure complete data privacy and the world's best security architecture.

You don't have to work like everybody else !

Get your transcripts in well-designed templates. You can save yourself the headache of copy pasting transcripts into templates. We provide your discharge summary, progress notes and other documents in smart templates. If your medical practice uses a specific template format mail us the sample template and receive a perfect transcript with accurate data in every field.
Furthermore our EHR experts can customize your EHR templates to quicken and restructure your existing documentation.

Stop losing 16 hours every day !

MedicalTranscriptionsService never sleeps. We are a 24/7 office so you'll never have to wait for your transcripts. Send in your dictations before you leave for the day and receive perfect transcripts when you walk in to office the next day. Our team is available at all times!
To set your clinical documentation in order call 877-272-1572.

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