Hire medical transcriber :
Escalating costs for hiring ‘in-house’ staff for Medical transcriptions A remedy – ‘outsourcing’:
Increasing number of Solo Doctors and Health Care Companies including reputed hospitals are now actively considering a reversal of their policy to maintain an ‘in- house’ department for medical transcriptions. The best solution under these circumstances is to hire a medical transcribing company, or to put it this way ‘outsource’ the service to a remote area.
This gives them an opportunity to hire “any specialty” transcriber to suit their needs, thus cutting down ‘costs’ on training ‘in-house’ staff for medical transcribing services. A medical transcriber in USA is paid approximately $14 to $15 an hour, comparatively to hire medical transcribing services overseas where the average wages paid to a medical transcriber is $1 an hour, the savings thus gained will be $13 to $14 an hour.
Many medical transcribing companies in USA are also hiring medical transcribers abroad, employing them as part time transcribers who work 4 hrs per day, known as a remote transcriber, they are being increasingly banked upon to save enormous costs for physicians and health care companies in the US.
Apart from saving on wages alone, there are no ‘training’ expenses costing the company, besides further savings are also possible on expensive medical transcription equipment which is taken care of by the ‘outsourced’ company.
The transcription company located overseas has a dedicated FTP server where doctors dictate patient’s medical reports and the remote transcriber based on the dictation of the doctor prepares a ‘word’ document, which is proof-read by the senior editors of the outsourced company for any ‘factual errors’, this is then sent to the doctors, the entire process is online the internet and is done without any ‘hiccups’.
Some of the outsourced medical transcription companies do as a ‘package deal’ present the doctors an Olympus DS4000 digital voice recorder free of cost; it is therefore worthwhile to hire a typing service overseas and reap the benefits of cost savings.
Click here to know about Free DS digital voice recorder.