The first step towards the future…
iSource has helped several practices take their first tremulous steps, towards newer ways of working. Electronic documentation is still being dealt with some amount of trepidation. As was evident, when a psychology clinic decided to take the electronic route, but, was slightly unsure about taking such a, huge decision.
“There is something oddly reassuring about a paper trolley trundling along, but we knew that we had to take the leap” said Martha Foster, the practice manager of a California based clinic.
The iSource helpline!
Martha gave us a call, early one spring morning, wanting to know if we could help her with the transition of moving from paper to emrs. Our client support executives, replied with in the affirmative and we set the ball rolling, the very next day. We’ve helped hundreds of physicians, all over the United States, in transitioning to the emr/ehr environment.
Significant cost savings…
The clinic was looking to reduce costs without cutting corners. After having reviewed the costs of several professional transcription companies, Martha felt we were the best. “Am surprised by the low costs you offer, considering most transcribers charge about 15$ an hour” she exclaimed. MTS charges the lowest rate in the industry because we have a vast client base, and have a footprint all over the USA.
Fleecing the occasional client, who comes our way, is not how we work!
A quick analysis…
The clinic found converting its thousands of handwritten notes into soft copy a daunting and monumental task. The compliance thresholds and pressure to keep up with hipaa regulations were increasing by the day. “I find auditing my records, keeping tabs on them and increasing operational ease and a more streamlined workflow, too much to handle. Could you help me quicken the process?” This was Martha’s request, and like a hundred times before, we obliged.
We started off by running a swift analysis of the existing workflow of the clinic. Our team, examined…

Nothing works like working together!
We always believe in working with our clients and make transcribing an inclusive process. As we are well versed with the world of emrs, we knew exactly what went where. All Martha had to do was ask her PA to scan the paper charts and transmit the files to us. We accessed the emr of our client and filled out the required fields and entered appropriate values. It was a time consuming job as point and click templates are anything but that!
Not, half as easy as it sounds…
How difficult can a cut and paste job be? If you are working with an emr, it can be incredibly difficult. As every click takes a few minutes to load and every template is a complicated maze, it is a herculean task. One needs extensive experience with the software to know the workarounds of it. Our 24x7 workflow and experienced technical staff ensured that the entire paper data of the clinic was transitioned into the emr, within two weeks time!
A specialist team!
Martha wanted MTS to handle the entire transcription needs of the clinic. We assigned our expert mental health transcription team to handle the dictations of the clinic. We have over 600 transcribers on our rolls. And what sets us apart is that we assign separate, specific teams to handle different medical specialties. So when we assured Martha that we’d provide expert care, we meant every word of it.
“Thanks for helping me through the most challenging phase of my career”
“I was overwhelmed with the number of tasks I had to achieve every single day, and the tasks kept piling on nevertheless. Thanks to iSource my practice has managed to come out at the other end, a more streamlined practice that has made it to the big bad world of emrs” exulted, Martha.
We’ve been working together for four years now. And are, and will always continue to grow together and face challenges head-on.To find a trustworthy transcription partner like Martha, call 1 888 571 9069.