Web based login access through a VPN setup
Medical Transcriptions Service after a long disscussion with the administrators of the two facilities, proposed to setup a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with the existing MediNotes e™ EMR in use by the facilities. The administarors were assured that the network integration would be as per HL-7 integration, and in complete compliance of HIPAA regulations. The company also proposed that in the transition phase, the medical transcribers of the company will login to the facilities EMR application to access and document the dictations of the centralised system for a week on a free trial basis. This will allow them an oppurtunity to review the quality parameters of the web-based service and measure the accuracy of the medical reports documented by the transcribers of our company. The free trial was without any obligations, the administrators were assured.
A turn-around time of just 12 hours
The administrator of the center for internal medicine in Arizona had no quality issues, the multi-specialty practice in Minniapolis also did not have any major issues of quality, minor issues regarding templates were pointed out by the administrator, and these were quickly sorted out, a Business Associate Agreement was negotiated and signed with both the centers. We have been providing transcription support to both these centers for more than a year now, without any hurdles.