Emergency Room STAT Reports
Emergency departments of healthcare facilities can now entrust us the responsibility of documenting emergency room STAT reports |
We are aware of the stress an emergency department of a healthcare facility undergoes, and if documentation workflow responsibilities are added to their routine, the stress becomes manifold. Our web-based service allows EDs in delegating their documentation tasks to the team of medical transcribers of our company.
Documentation service offered through multi-modal platforms
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We offer medical transcription services through different platforms, all of which are web-based. The EDs can use the toll free phone-in-dictation, which can be setup by calling the customer care. The physicians will need to enter a unique code after dialing the toll free number. The patient encounters can then be narrated into our secure systems, enabling us to document the Emergency Room STAT reports. We also establish (Virtual Private Network) VPN connectivity with an Emergency Department EMR that is in use by a healthcare facility, the technical team from our company in coordination with the IT staff of the facility set up the service that facilitates the transcribers from our company to log into the EMR application, access and document the physician narrations available in the centralized voice system. We also set up a (Local Area Network) LAN based connectivity with an existing EMR used by the healthcare facility, the transcription workflow process is on similar lines as the VPN. Some of the healthcare facilities use web-based EMR applications that provide for a browser based login. The documentation workflow is again is similar to VPN or LAN based services. |
After contacting and reviewing many vendors, this clinic approached isource and requested our expertise to streamline their existing infrastructure.iSource deputed two of its Outsourcing Consultants to do a comprehensive existing system analysis as follows:
Emergency Room STAT reports delivered in 2/4/6/8 hours
Our 24 x 7 documentation workflow ensures that emergency departments are able to receive Emergency Room STAT reports in 2/4/6/8 hours. This is in stark contrast to the functions of an in-house transcription division of a healthcare facility that take a lot more time to process STAT reports, given the fact that the working hours of the in-house team is just for eight hours and five days a week.
STAT reports processed at just $ 1.40 a report,
a fraction of what it costs doing it in-house
The healthcare facilities that choose to have an in-house team for documenting Emergency Room STAT reports pay a minimum of $ 14 to $ 15 an hour to an in-house transcriber, and added to this is the cost of hardware/software that eventually cost the facility approximately $ 3 to $ 5 for documenting an emergency room STAT report. Our charges for documenting STAT reports begin at $ 1.40 based on the standard turn-around-time of 2/4/6/8 hours. This is huge savings for a healthcare facility that document large quantum of reports annually.
Observing HIPAA regulations a part & parcel of our service
We have an enviable reputation in not only our service offerings, but in strict observance of HIPAA regulations as well. We have secure systems that are password protected, and the data that is interchanged with healthcare facilities is through SSL encryption platforms. The VPN or LAN that is established with existing EMRs is as per HL7 standards.
Documenting STAT reports for the Triage system
Healthcare facilities with Emergency Departments that follow the Triage system can use our services for documenting reports,